
Monday, September 30, 2019

‘My parents kept me from children who were rough’ by Stephen Harold Essay

Introduction: Sir Stephen Harold spender was an English poet, novelist, and essayist who concentrated on themes of social justice and the class struggle in his work, (February 28, 1909, London- July 16 1955). Stephen spender took a keen interest in politics and declared himself to be a socialist and pacifist. This poem is about a boy who longs to be part of a group of children who he looks up to. I think the poet is writing about himself because he uses a lot of words like ‘my’, ‘me’ and ‘I’. Analysis: The fist line seems to blame the Parents of the situation, and only after finishing the poem, you understand that is was actually the parents fault. In the first paragraph the poet introduces some of the things the children do. The poet writes about them throwing â€Å"Words like Stones†, this indicates that the language would hurt him, it was insulting. He also writes about how they dress and take off their clothes. The children wear rags and ‘torn clothes’, these boys wore such torn and ragged clothes that he could actually see their thighs where the clothes were torn. â€Å"They ran in the street†, as a middle class boy, his parents probably would not allow him to play in the streets. â€Å"And climbed cliffs and stripped by the country streams†, these boys could go wherever they wanted, without parental supervision. This gives the idea that the children have a reckless nature, they are the lower class. This is a gang of kids that the author was not allowed to hang around, but he must have felt very lonely. He is quick to show the misery of their situation. The second verse, it tells movement of a jerking action. I think this is effective because it helps paint a picture in the reader’s head of the boy â€Å"jerking† under the boy’s knees, of the violence involved when they attack him. He was frightened of these boys, because they would fight him, and pin him to the ground, kneeling on him so he couldn’t escape. Perhaps they hit him as well. (Jerking hands) â€Å"I feared the salt coarse pointing of those boys who copied my lisp behind me on the road†, He was frightened by the way they pointed at him in a rude way, and mimicked the way he spoke. The third verse shows, that these boys were strong, agile boys, who would lie in wait for him to pass by. They hid behind hedges, and as he drew near they leapt out at him, â€Å"barking like dogs† or shouting roughly. They threw mud at him, and he could not retaliate, but had to keep walking, and pretend it was funny. But actually, it was frightening and hurtful. He really wanted to be friends with them, and play their rough games, but they never invited him, he was just the object of their scorn. The contrasts again between weak and strong, lithe, sprang, barked. Those are all strong words suggesting that he was bullied by the local ‘gang’ of street children. He was excluded from their community because of his class and his lisp. He seems to be envious of their freedom, the freedom that â€Å"rough kids† take for granted. There seems to be two existing worlds, one of the lower class, and the other the middle class, this seems to create an invisible barrier between the two worlds. The children and the boy are all jealous, jealousy works both ways. The middle class boy wants to change his life, he see’s the bully’s to be free, though he is not, and they see him to have everything he’s ever wanted, but either way no ones happy, he wants to spend a day in their shoes. The poem is set as 3 stanzas, quatrain, the lines 1 and 2 are erratic. There is a lot of alliteration, for example, climbed, cliffs, and country. Conclusion: The poem is about rich vs. poor, over all in the poem â€Å"My parents kept me from children who were rough† a young boy is being bullied by rough and strong boys who intimidate him, so his parents have chosen to keep him away from them. It also brings in two worlds of childhood, the lower and higher of children.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Star dust relationships

Captain Shakespeare mentor of youth In the movie Stardust, a movie about a boy becoming a man though a Journey for love, relationships play a key role in the plot. Temptation sent the main character Tristan on a Journey that will change the course of his life. Tristan eventually finds the fallen star and the relationship between Yvaine and Tristan has begun. Tristan and Yvaine learn many things along their Journey especially while meeting Captain Shakespeare.The things they learn from Captain Shakespeare are that, there are ifetimes to build seconds to destroy, Tristan becomes a man and they both learn that true love is right in front of them. Tristan's lust towards Victoria has sent him on a Journey to find the fallen star, which has fallen on the other side of the wall, a place where people from England are not to cross. When Tristan finds the star, Yvaine, he takes her on the Journey back to the wall. Eventually after a period of time they end up in the clouds where they are picke d up by the terrifying captain Shakespeare.Captain Shakespeare is a man iding something else, something that he wouldn't show someone he doesn't trust, hiding the fact that he has a very soft side. He devised a way to get Tristan and Yvaine to the wall. During that time he shows Tristan how to fght and Yvaine to waltz, the whole time trying to hide this soft side he has, even though he is overflowing with joy. He reveals to Yvaine about the known fact that she is a star since she has been glowing brighter every day and he thinks he knows exactly why. This mentor to pupil relationship is one that relates to many different things, such as the kids learning rom their parents.The second thing these two learn from Captain Shakespeare is that there are lifetimes to build and seconds to destroy. This means what it sounds like, one has a whole lifetime to build a reputation for them, while yet there are seconds to destroy. Captain Shakespeare is a fine representation of this for he himself has a very large, and inaccurate, reputation to proceed. Being the captain of the Sky vessel and son of the legendary Captain Ghostmaker, he is known as a blood thirsty killer who is tough as nails.He chose his name Shakespeare because of the English poet and playwright, but his crew sees it as â€Å"shake spear†, or shaking a spear. Under his tough exterior captain Shakespeare could be called a â€Å"softy', he likes to dress up as a woman sometimes to express his true feelings. He will later be caught in the action by Prince Septimus, one of the 2 remaining princes attempting to track down Yvaine, the fallen star. Captain Shakespeare's crew, after chasing Septimus off the vessel, sees him dressed up as a woman with makeup on and says that they all knew he was whoopsie.They wouldn't have viewed as anything different then as their captain no matter how he was, which also shows that reputation isn't exactly everything. The last thing that Captain Shakespeare teaches Tristan i s that love is right in front of him. Tristan originally went to find the star for the girl of his dreams Victoria, she gives him a week to find the star and bring it back to her or she will marry Humphrey. Victoria wants to â€Å"bought† for her love and when Yvaine asks Tristan to tell ner some more about Victoria Tristan nas no more to say about her.He never ully realizes what he has in front of him until he meets Captain Shakespeare. Shakespeare has seen Tristan and Yvaine grow to be different from the people that arrived on the vessel at the beginning of their Journey. Tristan now has long hair, a sword and the skills to go with the sword. Yvaine is no longer in a bathrobe and has learned to waltz. The two have changed into bigger and better people. During the time in which Yvaine and captain Shakespeare are dancing Tristan takes Yvaine away from Shakespeare and dances with her, as they dance she begins to glow as she miles and laughs at things Tristan says and does.This makes captain Shakespeare smile. Before the two leave captain Shakespeare gives Tristan a thing of lightening and a whisper, in which he said that Tristan's true love is really right in front of him obviously what he was saying, is that Yvaine is his true love. This in turn, turns out to be true for Tristan and Yvaine become married and Tristan becomes king. Captain Shakespeare teaches Tristan 3 main things that love can sometimes be right in front of you, that there is a lifetime to build and seconds to destroy, and shows and eaches Tristan how to become a man.Tristan and Yvaine become married and Tristan learns who his mother really is. In Tristan becoming a man he goes to Victoria and instead of throwing the rock at his window, a childlike thing to do, he knocks on her door to tell her that he doesn't want be and she needs to grow up. Then as he is leaving stands up to Humphrey and proves even more that he has grown into something more. This is how Tristan and Yvaine grow into d ifferent people through the wonderful shaping hands of Captain Shakespeare.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Personal Essay

The negative is so easy to dwell on for most people, but here's what I remember err most from the situations that Eve been put through because of my mom's habit of fleeing. I remember going to work with my dad, so that we could both make what little money we could to put food on the table. Remember the good laughs we had when we would be able to get a frozen pizza, or a gallon of milk and eat like kings. I remember being strong. I know that when I'm in a place of need, my father would kill to make it better, and although we ere struggling to afford everyday needs, I knew that if kept a smile, my dad would keep one too.Through learning that had to do everything that I could in order to keep my mind away from the negative as well as keep my body moving to support me and m y dad, tried my very best in school. There were times when I couldn't make it through a day b cause Of pure exhaustion but I had to keep moving in order to strengthen the bonds of not only me and my dad, but all of my friends and teachers that supported me through this rough attach in my life.My family means everything to me, and those values run deeper than anything g know. Never did turn my back on someone just because they made a mistake. This was the last time my mom ever left me, and she has come back since and has done every hinge to work with me to strengthen our con injection again. She didn't need to do any of this. She has left and came back quite a few times through my life, and although this was the w resort, would not turn my back on family.No matter how devastated I was during the incident, I love, I quickly let my mother back into my life, and do not regret that by any means. TomorroWs a new day in life. When the sun comes out, I know that its time t 0 work. I have found true meaning to forgive and forget, and make the best of whatever RL am given. Fight and strive for a better life, and if everything goes well, I'll become a Bette r man. A man who is not dragged down by anything, big or small, but still has the heart and dedication to work hard and never stagger my beliefs or values. Personal Essay Personal Responsibility Essay Terriers Howard Gender September 12. 2013 Kate Though Furthering your education can be a encouraging and discouraging decision; really when you have everyday life situations and experiences. Today's average adult is working, taking care of children, and also dealing with unexpected life events and with all those things going on they continue to strive for success. Continuing education on top of all those responsibilities can add great stress, but It can be accomplished.Myself has seen my mother raise children, work, and continue education. Her advice to me was to accomplish success in life with goal settings, vision, and mental preparation. Collegial (2004-2007), â€Å"Goal setting is the process of deciding on something you want, planning how to get it, and then working towards the objective†. The way to attain long term goals Is to to set short term goals first, which are more attainable In smaller steps.Short term goals are Like stepping stones they are designed In smaller moderation to obtain the bigger picture, which is to accomplish the long term goal, which will lead to greater success. A person can set to achieve a short term goal within a short period of time from one day until one week, or even six months whether than a long term goal which can take years. You can see short term progression much greater than long term every time you accomplish a short term goal, a pat on the back Is in demand, and means that you are one step closer to your long term goal.The funny thing about goal setting Is that you should always set long term goals first to give yourself a window, and to place goals in order of importance. You should always set long and short term meaningful goals Goal eating also involves maintaining specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time targeted goals to become attainable. Discouragement will come along, but time management and goal setting will give you an outlook on your lives plan. Life is a l esson within Itself you have to start somewhere to end up somewhere.Vision meaning the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come. Vision Is another technique required to become successful at furthering your education. Vision is an outlook that one has for themselves to see the future a pictures of Seibel future based plans which can be perceived mentally during dreams or life images. Vision is needed to stay focused and on track to become successful, and also the foundation for success, one must have vision to know there place In life or what attain the perceived images and dreams.Vision is also needed to remain determined when life's unexpected events arouse you can always go into your subconscious thoughts and remember your vision you have for yourself to continue your successful journey. Mental preparation is another technique helpful and needed to have a successful education experience. Mental preparation is very important for an adult who is continuing education, working , being a parent, and a spouse to help keep ones sanity and to accomplish having academic needs met.Mental preparation can help one cope better with stress, the ability to separate, but not completely forget about life stresses. Practicing on how to focus on keeping what is important together at that present time. To prepare yourself for furthering education you have to put yourself on the top of list as number one proper rest, exercise, good eating habits re needed to stay healthy and have adequate mental awareness and energy to deal with the extra meal on your plate.Good study habits and ample study time is needed to be successful in your furthering education, completing assignments early not waiting until the last minute to turn them in, which can lead to a major stresses. You have to make scheduled school days less stressful plan other activities on other day if possible, doing so will enhance your education, this will give you confidence, control, and mental energy in doing such strategies will lead to better education experience.Personal responsibility is being accountable for your own decisions and actions, and having self respect for yourself and others to become successful. Having to maintain personal life, being in the work force, and continuing education can all be a bit much, but is attainable with determination, patience , support, and focus to become successful. All one needs is to have a vision of lives path, set goals to attain the vision â€Å"road blocks don't mean failure, repeating goals make it stick† (The Numerous foundation, 1995-2013). Also mental preparation to make the furthering education experience much easier.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Refliction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Refliction - Essay Example In the class, we discussed these tasks where everyone was asked to express their own opinion. Imperatively, none of our feedbacks were absolutely correct; we discussed our answers extensively and learnt a lot from the exercises. We learned how to construct academic papers, starting with the introduction and then various components in the results and discussion parts. In addition, we learned strategies for planning, drafting, revising, and editing our academic writing through critique group. With the assistance of my professor and my peers, I learned discovered my weaknesses and as a result, I formulated and implemented strategies to avoid them. As a result, my grammar has recorder tremendous achievement as I am able to speak fluently and write correctly structured sentences. My confidence in the language has been beefed up and thus I am now able to engage in conversation and debates that are conducted in correctly spoken English In conclusion, the class was enjoyable and very useful. I am very grateful to Dr. Brisch for all the assistance that he accorded me during my lessons. I am now well equipped to handle any tasks that involve correct grammar and sentencing. Furthermore, I feel more comfortable and ready for writing academic paper. This class has given us the necessary tools and the ability to write and publish in prestigious scientific

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Race and Representation -Media Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Race and Representation -Media Analysis - Essay Example These image representations fall under sub-genre of exploitation images (Fanon, 1986). The degree of representation in these images is highly detailed. It is explicit that the human figure of the drawing has been based on a live model hence it is â€Å"a life drawing†. The aspect of color plays an important role in ensuring that the recipients get the right information. Color has been used to distinguished blacks from whites. The element of aesthetic has also been used. In the first two images, the blacks are revealed to be ugly whereas the whites are portrayed as beautiful. Lighting has been used to reflect the location of this incident (Snead, 1994). Ideological critique of the Images These are stereotyped images of blacks that are found in the national archives of developed countries of the west. According to Bonnett (2000), such images were dominant in European culture especially during the era of Western imperialism. The images negatively represent the blacks as a way of undermining their humanity. It is the concept of whiteness that contributes to the belief by many whites that blacks are naturally deviant people. Black males have been mythologized as hyper-sexed. This is reflected particularly by the first two images where blacks are stereotyped as animal-like entity (Gates, 1999). The whiteness concept treats whiteness as a social construction. The concept is cultural property that has been used to undermine the rights and privileges of the blacks. The concept has been used to provide symbolic privileges to the whites as portrayed by the images. The conception of the beauty is tied the whiteness and explicitly exclude the blacks as indicated in the images (Bonnett, 2000). The images have been used to reveal gendered social framework within which the relations between the blacks and the whites has been taking place. From the images, black femininity has been devalued. The images show that black male go for white female hence privileging white femi ninity (Carrington, 2002). From ideological perspective, whites perceive black people as sub-human. The image representations mean that blacks cannot easily attain standards of morals. The belief that blacks are animal-like is portrayed in their biological make-up through the image comparison of black male with primates as portrayed in the first two images. Whites believe that black people are the most degraded human race. The approaches commonly used by these individuals are similar to those of wild beasts and their intelligence is low enough to fit in the social systems (Watkins, 2004). The question racism has been inherently portrayed by the image representation of black masculinity as a sexual threat. The image is connected with a vast range of issues concerning gender and sexuality. They powerfully demonstrate gender dynamics as fundamental aspect through which whites can secure and maintain imperial enterprise. The images show close connection between domination of black peopl e and sexuality thus explaining the lynching that commonly takes place in the west. According to Coleman (2005), many blacks were lynched in the 20th century especially in the United States of America. Majority of these cases occurred on accusation of blacks for rape activities. The image representation of the blacks in these circumstances sought to portray the character of black communities as negative. During and after World War I, black males were

The Start-Up of You and Readers' Responses Essay

The Start-Up of You and Readers' Responses - Essay Example A closer look at Friedman’s arguments which applied the use of humor could be seen from his second paragraph when he was trying to explain that the number of personnel currently employed by famous global organizations, such as the social networking and Internet companies, could just fit in â€Å"the 20,000 seats in Madison Square Garden, and still have room for grandma† (Friedman, 2011, par. 2). The intention of the author was for the audience to visualize the significant change in the thrust of hiring, not based on quantities of human resources; but on distinct innovative and creative skills. Likewise, another statement that injected humor was: â€Å"I think something else, something new-something that will require our kids not so much to find their next job as to invent their next job-is also influencing today's job market more than people realize† (Friedman, 2011, par. 1). In this particular statement, the author’s main argument was to relay the imminen t pressure encountered by current graduates in searching for employment, based primarily on unconventional factors that allegedly exacerbate the situation of job seekers. It stirs the emotions of readers in terms of inciting increased awareness and developing a sense of urgency to re-evaluate personal and professional skills that one currently possesses, or that one should currently possess to increase competitiveness in the contemporary global market. Still, there was a tinge of humor when Friedman indicated that â€Å"you would never know that from listening to the debate in Washington, where some Democrats still tend to talk about job creation as if it's the 1960s and some Republicans as if it's the 1980s. But this is not your parents' job market† (Friedman, 2011, par. 6). The statement has some elements of satire in the way the author stressed that policymakers apparently were too outdated to know that they should likewise be kept abreast of the changing pace of workforce opportunities. At this, the audience could either agree or react otherwise, depending on the demographic profile assumed; meaning, parents could be offended; young graduates could think this is funny; members of either the Democrats or the Republicans could obviously feel grossly transgressed. Other portions that exemplify the author’s use of emotions to sustain his arguments are as follows: in introducing the book entitled The Start-Up of You, which was reportedly authored by Reid Garrett Hoffman, LinkedIn’s founder, the assertions of Hoffman likewise stirs the emotios of the readers in terms of apparently creating a sense of uneasiness, anxiety, and unrest in specifying that the thrust of contemporary global organizations’ hiring focuses on entrepreneurial skills and talents that could not be simply earned and develop through a college degree. It was emphasized that â€Å"You can't just say, 'I have a college degree, I have a right to a job, now someone else should figure out how to hire and train me!’" (Friedman, 2011, par. 10). This particular revelation could come as a big blow to thousands of college graduates who remain optimistic of finding their dream jobs through the theoretical framework gained from their respective fields of endeavors.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Is racism ancient history in our days Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Is racism ancient history in our days - Essay Example Thesis At the beginning of the 21st century, racism is a major social problem affected modern American society which takes its roots in ancient history of the nation. The American nation is especially heterogeneous in terms of religion, nationality, ethnicity, class language, and, of course, race. But prevailing American values emphasize the values of equality of opportunity, fair play, and individualism. While there is some evidence to justify current attitudes, in fact there is better evidence to suggest that race relations in America are still a major source of stress and social tension (Wachtel 23). Another black perspective argues that race in America has become less salient than class. This assessment, if true, would suggest that black-white relations are much better than they have ever been before in America. Race is another factor which influences the distribution of economic and social resources in America. It is important to note that recent years the understanding of race has been changed, because as a collective sentiment, race needs to be upheld and reaffirmed. Modern theories of race suggest that concept of race is more a cultural p henomenon than a economic one. Community of culture and unity of meaning are the main sources that allow the construction and experience of race (Wachtel 78) In modern society, racism complements, but it does not replace, individual prejudice and discrimination. J. Strausbaugh in Black like You: Black Face, White Face indicates that institutional racism is much more widespread than individual racism. Yet, most educational programs against racism are aimed almost exclusively against individual racism. Following Strausbaugh "disrespectful stereotypes are acceptable from people who looks like you, but it is racism when a member of another race finds humor in it" (12). In modern society, racism can exist to some degree regardless of what else is going on in society. Institutional racism, however, cannot thrive without constant replenishment of new personnel who are able to accept the human cost of racist policies without challenging their legitimacy. People who are victimized by racism may combat it most readily by organizing and changing public policies. Altering public policies solely by changing personal opinions of racists is a hopeless, endless endeavor. To a significant extent, racism bears a relationship to sexism, antisemitism, and extreme nationalism. The essence of modern racism is violations of equal human worth which are involved in racism as well as in sexism, anti-semitism, and extreme nationalism. Today, racial prejudices and ideologies rationalize widespread white discrimination against people of color (Strausbaugh 82). This view of a white-dominated America is not popular among most white analysts and commentators in the twenty-first century. More popular is the belief that African Americans and other people of color have made great progress, so much so that white racism is no longer a major barrier in most of their lives. Indeed, few whites are aware of how important racism is to their own feelings, beliefs, thinking, and actions (Thernstrom 20). The extensive use of litigation and legislation in American racial affairs determines the salience of the law. Leading personalities, landmark court rulings and laws, the heritage of legalized segregation and discrimination, bias in the administration of justice and contemporary

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Internet Advertising Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internet Advertising - Research Paper Example He was accused of violating state and federal laws. Even though in the latest settlement, Mr. Richter has denied the allegations, he has agreed to follow the following federal and state laws by pledging not to send spam to anyone and allowed his business to be monitored for the next 3 years. Microsoft is investing 6 million dollars in this venture and on anti-spamming efforts in this regard. The case highlights how big a menace to the society, to the digital world the spam can be. Spam is a menace on the web. It is a moral, social and an ethical wrong. If it falls into the hands of the young generation, then it can spoil them to the point of manipulating their young minds. They can get involved in wrong activities, be exploited and even go haywire from the direction that their elders have set them for. Sometimes they may seek refuge in all the wrong activities propagated by porn. Thus Spam is a big no. (Internet Advertising shoots past estimates, 2006) Excessive marketing serves to manipulate the minds of an individual. It brainwashes them so much so that they are tempted to act accordingly. Internet marketing has both its cons and pros. Internet marketing which is also called web marketing, online marketing, and online marketing is essentially marketing of products and service on the Internet. With the rapid evolution of the Internet, marketing took on over an all new level. On the plus side, Internet Marketing not just became cheaper online but it paved way for newer more innovative business prospects in the online world. Today information is distributed across to the global audience at it incredibly low prices and sometimes even free of cost.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Self-Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self-Reflection - Essay Example Self-Reflection In my second essay concerning the dangers of children playing video games, I used as logical argument in some parts to convince the reader on the dangers of children playing video games. As noted in the classes of this course, one of the main components of good writing is â€Å"logos†. This is the ability to appeal to the logical aspect of an issue and engage the audience in a reasonable manner. In my essay I note that â€Å"When children are outside, they can make friends or they can spend time with their friends. They can laugh and run about as they play. They can share stories while waking together. Physical activity is then closely connected to social activity.† These statements are meant to convince the audience on the real importance of play to the children. The use of practical information succinctly captures the essence of physical activity in a manner that is resonant with the audience. During the course, I also learnt about the importance of solid development of the main concept in any writing. My essay on the effect of technology on different generation exemplifies the vital skill I learnt concerning progressive development of the subject matter. At the beginning of the essay, I reflected on the background issues relating to technology and the different generations that exist. This was meant to give the audience a contextual background based on the key elements of the topic. Having established a solid foundation of the topic, I then delved into the core issues that technology has on different generations by the use of detailed explanations.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Psychodynamic Personality Theories Essay Example for Free

Psychodynamic Personality Theories Essay Contemporary society is intrigued with the notion of human behavior as it expresses itself in our personality. Psychoanalytic model is most noted for introspective strategies such as depth interviewing and projective techniques, which have emanated from its theoretical perspective. Classical psychoanalytic conceptualization approached the study of character or personality in two very different ways, each deriving from an early theoretical model of individual development. In the era of Freud’s original drive theory, an attempt was made to understand personality on the basis of fixation. Later with the development of ego psychology, character was conceived as expressing the operation of particular styles of defense. This second way of understanding character was not in conflict with the first; it provided a different set of ideas and metaphors for comprehending what was meant by a type of personality (Magnavita, 2002). The contemporary psychodynamic model of personality is very popular, particularly with clinical practitioners, and offers much that is useful for conceptualizing personality and personal disorders. The strength of this model seems to lie in the power of many of its fundamental constructs, such as the unconscious, defense systems, and the relation among component personality structures. It is hard to imagine a psychology of personality without some reference to these and other constructs. The limitations of this model are many. Unfortunately, after years of perpetuating itself in a closed system, a crisis developed about the viability of this model. Another draw back is the tendency to eschew empirical research, which would have established wider scientific acceptance. For many, the conceptualizations and esoteric language make it difficult to immerse oneself in what seems a dogmatic intellectualized system for those who hide behind language. In conclusion knowing where to approximately place an individual on the structural continuum is as much a clinical art as a science. Reference Magnavita, J. J. (2002). Theories of personality: contemporary approaches to the science of personality. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Tcp Service Model Information Technology Essay

The Tcp Service Model Information Technology Essay The transport service is implemented by a transport protocol used between two transport entities. The transport protocol have to deal with error control, sequencing, and flow control. UDP is a simple protocol and it has some niche uses, such as client-server interactions and multimedia, but for the most Internet applications, reliable, sequenced delivery is needed.UDP cannot provide this, so another protocol is required. It is called TCP and is the main workhouse of the internet. THE TCP SERVICE MODEL: TCP service is obtained by both the sender and receiver creating end points, called sockets. A socket may be used for multiple connections at the same time. All TCP connections are full duplex and point to point. Full duplex means that the traffic can go in both directions at the same time. Point-to-point connection contains exactly two end points. Another feature of the TCP service is URGENT DATA. When the urgent data are received at the destination. The receiving application is interrupted so it can stop whatever it was doing and read the data stream to find the urgent data. The start of the urgent data is not marked while the end is marked so the application knows when it is over. This scheme basically provides a crude signaling. THE TCP PROTOCOL: A key feature of TCP, and one which dominates the protocol design, is that every byte on a TCP connection has its own 32-bit sequencer. When the internet began, the lines between routers were mostly 56-kbps leased lines, so a host blasting away at full speed took over 1 week to cycle through the sequence numbers. Separate 32-bit sequence numbers are used for acknowledgements and for the window mechanism. The sending and receiving TCP entities exchange data in the form of segments. What should a segment have? 1.Each segment including the TCP header, must fit in the 65,515-bytes IP payload. 2.Each network has a maximum transfer unit, or MTU, and each segment must fit in the MTU. THE TCP SEGMENT HEADER: The following is the dissection of TCP header field by field. The Source port and Destination port fields identify the local end points of the connection. The source port number is of 16 bits and indentifies the sending host TSAP(client port number). The destination port number is of 16 bits and is used to identify the receiver host TSAP(server port number). The sequence number is of 32 bits size. Since TCP supports Byte-stream, in which each byte is numbered, big space is allocated for numbering i.e.(2 power 32=4096 million).With the help of these numbers only ,one can be able to differentiate the old delayed duplicate with fresh ones. The acknowledgement number is of 32 bits size. It specifies the next byte expected. The length of TCP header is of 4 bits size and indicates the number of rows. Next comes a 6-bit field that is UNUSED. The fact that this field has survived intact for over a quarter of a century is testimony to how well thought out TCP is. Lesser protocols would have needed it to fix bugs in the original design. Six 1-bit flags: 1. URG is set to 1 if the urgent flag pointer is in use. 2. The ACK bit is set to 1 to indicate that the acknowledgement number is valid. If ACK is 0, the segment does not contain an acknowledgement so the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NUMBER is ignored. 3. The PSH bit indicates pushed data. 4. The RST bit is used to reset a connection that has become confused due to a host crash or some other reason. It is also used to reject an invalid segment or refuse an attempt to open a connection. In general, if you get a segment with the RST bit on, you have problem on your hands. 5. The SYN bit is Synchronization flag. It is used to establish connections. The connection request has SYN=1 and ACK=0 to indicate that the piggyback acknowledgement field is not in use. The connection reply does bear an acknowledgement, so it has SYN=1 and ACK=1. 6. The FIN bit is finish flag. It is used to release a connection. It specifies that the sender has no more data to transmit. CHECKSUM: A checksum is also provided for extra reliability. It checks the header, the data and the conceptual pseudoheader. When performing this computation, the TCP Checksum field is set to zero and the data field is padded out with an additional zero byte if its length is an odd number. PSEUDOHEADER: The pseudoheader contains the 32-bit IP addresses of the source and destination machines, the protocol number for TCP (6), and the byte count for the TCP segment. Including the pseudoheader in the TCP checksum computation helps detect misbelieved packets. TCP CONNECTION MANAGEMENT MODELING: The steps required to establish and release connections can be represented in a finite state machine with the 11 states listed below. In each state, certain events are legal .when a legal event happens, some action may be taken. If some other event happens, an error is reported. State Description CLOSED No connection is active or pending LISTEN The server is waiting for an incoming call SYN, RCVD A connection request has arrived: wait for ACK SYN SENT The application has started to open a connection ESTABLISH The normal data transfer state FIN WAIT 1 The application has said it is finished FIN WAIT 2 The other side has agreed to release TIMED WAIT Wait for all packets to die off CLOSING Both sides have tried to close simultaneously CLOSING WAIT The other side has initiated a release LAST ACK Wait for all packets to die off Each connection starts in the CLOSED state. When it performs either a passive open {LISTEN}, or an active open {CONNECT}, it leaves the state. If the other side does the opposite one, a connection is established and the state becomes ESTABLISHED. Connection release can be initiated by either side. The state returns to CLOSED, after it is completed. Description of the figure: The heavy solid line is the normal path for a client. The heavy dashed line is the normal path for a server. The light lines are unusual events. Each transition is labeled by the event causing it and the action resulting from it, separated by a slash. The event can either be a user à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬initiated system call {CONNECT, LISTEN, SEND or CLOSE}, a segment arrival [SYN, FIN, ACK or RST}, or in one case, a timeout of twice the maximum packet lifetime. The action is the sending of a control segment {SYN, FIN or RST} or nothing, indicated by -.Comments is shown in parentheses. Figure: TCP connection management finite state machine. TCP TRANSMISSION POLICY: Windows Management in TCP is not directly tied to acknowledgements as it is in most data link protocols. If the sender transmits a 2048-byte segment that is correctly received, the receiver will acknowledge the segment. However, since it now has only 2048 bytes of buffer space (until the application removes some data from the buffer), it will advertise a window of 2048 starting at the next byte expected. The window management in TCP is shown in the following figure. Now the sender transmits another 2048 bytes, which are acknowledged, but the advertised window is 0. The sender must stop until the application process on the receiving host has removed some data from the buffer, at which time TCP can advertise a larger window. Senders are not required to transmit data as soon as they come in from the application. When the first 2 KB of data came in, TCP, knowing that it had a 4 KB window available, would have been completely correct in just buffering the data until another 2KB came in, to be able to transmit a segment with a 4KB payload. This freedom can be exploited to improve performance. On the following grounds the sender com still send segments upon receiving the win=0(window size) or (buffer available). When the window=0;the sender may not normally send segments, with two exceptions i)URGENT DATA MAY BE SENT To allow the user to kill the process running on the remote machine. ii)The sender may send a 1byte segment to make the receiver re-announce the next byte expected and window size. SILLY WINDOW SYNDROME: To transmit 1byte of message TCP overhead 20 bytes, IP are required.In other words just to transmit 1 byte, extra 40 Bytes are required. Whenever there is a 1 byte room available at the receiver buffer, the window update segment is sent. Since the receiver is requested for 1 byte the sender sends 1 byte which leads to the receiver buffer to be full over again. Asking for 1 Byte and sending 1 byte appears to be silly, hence the name silly window syndrome. To avoid Silly window syndrome, Nagle suggested NAGLES APPROACH: When the data comes to the sender 1 byte at a time, just send the first Byte and buffer, all the rest until the outstanding Byte is acknowledged. Then send all the buffered characters in one 1 TCP segment and start buffering again until they are all acknowledged. Nagles approach cannot be implemented for all applications. In particular, when as X-windows application is being run over the internet, mouse movements have to be sent to the remote computer. Gathering them and sending them in bursts makes the mouse cursor more erratically, which makes users dissatisfied. CLARKS ALGORITHM: This approach is to prevent the receiver from sending a window update for 1byte instead, it is forced to wait until it has a decent amount of space available and then advertise that. Nagles algorithm is with respect to sender and Clarkà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s algorithm with respect to solve Silly window syndrome. The overall goal is for the sender not to send small segments and the receiver not to ask for them. TCP CONGESTION CONTROL: When the load offered to any network is more than it can handle, congestion builds up. The Internet is no exception. Although network layer also tries to manage congestion, most of the heavy lifting is done by TCP because the real solution to congestion is to slow down the data rate. In theory, congestion can be dealt with by employing a principle borrowed from physics: the law of conservation of packets. The idea is to refrain from injecting a new packet into the network until an old one leaves.TCP attempts to achieve this goal by dynamically manipulating the window size. The first step in managing congestion is detecting it. A timeout caused by a lost packet could have been caused by either (1) noise on a transmission line or (2) packet discard at a congested router. Nowadays, packet loss due to transmission errors is relatively rare because most long-haul trunks are fiber. All the Internet TCP algorithms assume that timeouts are caused by congestion and monitor timeouts for signs of trouble the way miners watch their canaries. TCP TIMER MANAGEMENT: TCP uses multiple timers to do its work. The most important of these is the retransmission timer. When a segment is sent, a retransmission timer is started. If the segment is acknowledged before the timer expires, the timer is stopped. If, on the other hand, the timer goes off before the acknowledgement comes in, and the segment is retransmitted. A second timer is the persistence timer. It is designed to prevent the following deadlock. The receiver sends an acknowledgement with a window size of 0, telling the sender to wait.Later, the receiver updates the window, but the packet with the update is lost. Now both the sender and the receiver are waiting for each other to do something. When the persistence timer goes off, the sender transmits a probe to the receiver. The response to the probe gives the window size. If it is still zero, the persistence timer is set again and the cycle repeats. If it is nonzero, data can now be sent. A third timer that some implementations use is the keep alive timer. When a connection has been idle for a long time, the keep alive timer may go off to cause one side to check whether the other side is still here. If it fails to respond, the connection is terminated. This feature is controversial because it adds overhead and may terminate an otherwise healthy connection due to transient network partition. The last timer used on each TCP connection is the one used in the TIMED WAIT state while closing. It runs for twice the maximum packet lifetime to make sure that when a connection is closed; all packets created by it have died off.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Role of Setting in John Steinbecks Of Mice & Men Essay -- Steinbe

The Role of Setting in John Steinbeck's Of Mice & Men Throughout time man has encountered many trials and tribulations. One of these unpredictable changes was the depression era in the Western region of America. From the beginning to the end of the novel, Of Mice & Men (1937), by John Steinbeck, life is portrayed as cruel and an insurmountable conquest. During the 1930's the worst economic collapse of the world occurred : the Depression. The setting throughout this novel sets the emotions high because of the hardships that were encountered by two men looking for work. These men were George Milton and Lennie Small. George was "small and quick and hard of the face, and had sharp strong features" (9). Lennie was the opposite a " huge man, shape less of a face, with large, pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders" (9). While the simple minded and powerful Lennie tries to keep out of trouble at the ranch, he worries about how George may get angry at him if he makes a blunder. Curly, the boss's son, is a trouble maker and pressures Lennie into fighting him which he does and pays the price. In addition, Lennie ends up killing Curley's wife, thus leading to the death of Lennie. George shoots him utilitarianly, which means he did it to bring safety to anyone who may have encountered him. With Lennies death George hoped to maximize happiness for the greatest number of people. Their dream once of having their own ranch died with Lennie. Setting is encountered in every chapter and allowing the reader to visualize the surroundings which contribute to this story more than any other element. The story is set in 1930's California on the verge of Mexico. The river Steinbeck speaks of, "The Salinas River," happens to be the birthplace of Stei... ...lood." This brings the story to and end when George killed his one and only friend, Lennie. Ironicaly, Steinbeck was a marine biologist and when he wrote this book he was in the ways of looking at water. The pond that Lennie drank out of, which the river that ran into it came from his home town, and the cruel view of nature as the snake that probably ate the mouse that Lennie killed was devoured by a heron. Thus, showing that things have a chain reaction in nature and Lennie, some what, got revenged upon by the mouse and the other mammals that he killed. The setting is the biggest element of the novel setting the mood at the begining of each chapter and vividly examining the way it was during the depression. This finally answers the question "Where did I go George?" Work Cited Steinbeck, John, "Of Mice and Men." (1937). May 3, 2004. New York, New York.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Euthanasia Essay - Assisted Suicide Must be an Option -- Euthanasia Ph

Euthanasia Essay - Assisted Suicide Must be an Option Life is a precious gift. Humans have the ability to decide how their lives are to be lived. In the United States, people can legally control to a limited extent their death. In a living will, a person can request that extraordinary life sustaining measures be withheld in terminal medical condition. However, the abrupt ending of a life via assisted suicide is controversial. Should people be allowed to take their own lives when facing a painful and prolonged ending? I believe that they should have that option. Euthanasia, or mercy killing, can be defined as the "intentional termination of life by another at the explicit request of the person who dies" (Euthanasia). The infamous Dr. Kevorkian is known for assisting many people in their suicides. He was eventually tried and convicted for his role in this area. What crime did he commit? The people whom he assisted sought him out to help them have a calm and peaceful death under their own control. During Dr. Kevorkian's trial, questions were raised suggesting ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Portrayal of Asian Americans in the Media Essay -- Stereotyping Asian

Abstract My research focused on the coverage of Asian Americans in contemporary mass media. The following types of media were researched:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Music  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Television  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Films  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Magazines I gave several examples where Asian Americans were used to play very simple characters. These roles were defined by stereotypes that exist in America. I also researched instances on counter actions taken by Asian Americans to protest against these negative images. My research also has examples of Asians that have succeeded in breaking through the racial barriers in the media. The results show that even though racial stereotyping still exists in various forms of mass media, there are signs that show noticeable improvement on allowing a more balanced image of Asian Americans. Statement of the Problem   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are close to 12 million Asian Americans living in the United States (U.S. Asian, 2000). Asian Americans are considered one of the fastest growing minorities (Pimentel, 2001). Between 1990 and 1999, the Asian population rose 43% (Census, 2000). However, Asian Americans are still portrayed in a simplistic manner by the American media, which in turn, promotes stereotyping. I have researched various types of mass media in the United States, such as: music, films, television and magazines. I will focus on several examples where Asian Americans are portrayed in a negative way. Furthermore, I will give examples of musicians, and independent films that prove Asian Americans have potential on what they can contribute to in the American media. Finally, I will recommend different ways to rid the stereotype put on Asian Americans by actions that can be taken, not only pertaining to Asians, but to other ethnicities that face stereotypes on their culture. Background History   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Music in every country has a history going back hundreds of years. It is an excellent type of entertainment that any person can enjoy. America being such a diverse country, any person regardless of race or gender needs to be given a fair shot in an opportunity to showcase his or her talent. However, there is a lack of Asians Americans represented in America. Asian Americans must go above and beyond on what is expected in the industry, compared to white and black Americans who seem to have it much easier. â€Å"Always, it is the Asian who assimilates, who must explain his or her prese... ...ty in televised international athletic events.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (1995). Retrieved December 9, 2004 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.aafla.org/9arr/ResearchReports/ResearchReport4.htm Restrictive portrayals of asians in the media and how to balance them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (2004). Retrieved December 9, 2004 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.manaa.org/articles/stereo.html Thoughts on William Hung’s Inspiration. (2004, April 28).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Retrieved December 9, 2004 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://modelminority.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=760 U.S. Asian Population. (2000). Retrieved December 15, 2004 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://print.infoplease.com/ipa/A0778584.html Wartofsky, A. (2004, December 1). Asian-American rapper isn’t downplaying heritage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Wichita Eagle. Retrieved December 15, 2004, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.kansas.com/mld/kansas/entertainment/10306249.htm Wu, F. H. (2002). Yellow: race in america beyond black and white. New York: Basic   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Books. Xu, R. (2004 April, 19). Details magazine sparks protest. The Harvard Crimson.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Retrieved December 16, 2004, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  http://www.thecrimson.com/article.aspx?ref=358868 Zia, H. (2000). Asian american dreams. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Women in the Classical Era

Stephen Spradling Oct 22-Dec 15 The Rights of Women In the Classical era China, India, and Rome all had different views on women’s roles in society. Each society placed them as second class citizens but as you read in each document in â€Å"Considering the Evidence† they are each treated a little better. At the bottom is the Chinese culture, they treat their women as objects, as things you should own such as servants. The Indians are who the text explains next.They treat their women a little better; the women are not anywhere treated as equals but had the option of going off on their own and being priestess or beggars. The last of the documents are the Roman culture. The Roman women are not equal either but they are the closest to it. In public they are not to question men but they rule the house at home. In the document on the Romans they protest in the street the law against having jewelry because of the needs of the Empire to fund the war. â€Å"How sad it is to be a woman! Nothing on earth is held so cheap.Boys stand leaning at the door Like Gods fallen out of Heaven. †( Fu Xuan, 263) The Chinese culture held women in the lowest regards while placing all men above the. But in the text â€Å"A Chinese Woman’s Instructions to Her Daughters† Ban Zhao was able to have a life of her own without a husband. She was married had children, but then widowed. Even through this she was able to be successful, and become and author to help other women. â€Å"Ban Zhao had a significant career as a court historian and as an adviser to the empress- dowager ( the widow of a deceased emperor).Her most famous work, Lessons for Women, was an effort to apply the principles of Confucianism to the lives and behavior of women. † (Waley, 264) Ban Zhao was the few exceptions to this most women were expected to do choirs and housework without complaint and complete obedience. â€Å" Let a woman retire late to bed, but rise early to duties; let her nor dread tasks by day or by night. . . . When a woman follows such rules as these, then she may be said to be industrious. † â€Å"unquestionably the daughter- in- law obeys. †(Ban, 264) The life of a Chinese woman was very hard and one of unsung hardship.Around this this same time there was a women in India were subject to very similar social standings. The could not do anything without and man and were subject to man’s rule. In An Alternative to Patriarchy in India it states the limited power of women. â€Å"In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead to her sons; a woman must never be independent. †(Psalms of the Early Buddhists, translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids, 266) The only way around such treatment was to be a Buddhist nun or a street beggar.Even though women in the Chinese cultural do not complain the Indian women did. They wrote poems about their hardships. â€Å"Me stained and squalid à ¢â‚¬â„¢ mong my cooking- pots My brutal husband ranked as even less Than the sunshades he sits and weaves alway. †( Psalms of the Early Buddhists, translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids,267) The three lives that these women could live is under control of a man, as a nun or as a street walker. The last choice of a street walker may sound like a horrible choice but it is the only way for these women to be free. To- day with shaven head, wrapt in my robe, I go forth on my daily round for food; . . . Now all the evil bonds that fetter gods And men are wholly rent and cut away. . . . Calm and content I know Nibbana’s Peace. † . †( Psalms of the Early Buddhists, translated by Mrs. Rhys Davids,267) The women of the highest standing were the women of Rome. They could go out in public without men, even talk to other men, even though this was frowned upon. â€Å"Had not respect for the dignity and modesty of cer-tain ones ( not them all! restrained me. . . . I should have sa id,‘ What kind of behavior is this? Running around in public, blocking streets, and speaking to other women’s husbands! Could you not have asked your own husbands the same thing at home? Are you more charming in public with others’ husbands than at home with your own? And yet, it is not fit-ting even at home†¦ for you to concern yourselves with what laws are passed or repealed here. †(Livy, 269) This tells us that women were able to go out in public, socialize, and even gossip.This document shows that though not in public these woman have somewhat of a voice in the home. These women have gone so far as to protest in the streets to get their right to buy jewelry back. â€Å" even now let them snatch at the government and meddle in the Forum and our assemblies. What are they doing now on the streets and crossroads, if they are not persuading the tribunes to vote for repeal? †(Livy, 269) These women have had the freedom to protest in the street ove r JEWLERY! These women are truly treated the best out of the cultures of this time.

Monday, September 16, 2019

BOSCH GmbH- Human Resource Management Essay

In our work the foreign dispatch process is examined, how far the global requirements on the resource staff are met by Bosch. The measures, Bosch developed for the choice, preparation, moving and reintegration of its employees has been examined and set against the common practice of other enterprises. The work starts with a representation of the enterprise Bosch. The main part is a detailed representation of the measures of Bosch with respect to the four phases of the foreign dispatch. These are judged with the theory from technical literature and compared with the common practice of other enterprises. Subsequently the question is followed whether the expansion plans in the direction of the China require a customization of the staff management. Finally we draw a conclusion whether the measures of Bosch are suitable to fulfill the requirements or must be changed. 2. Bosch2.1 Historical developmentThe enterprise Bosch was set up under the name â€Å"workshop for precision engineering and electrical engineering† in Stuttgart in the year 1886 by the engineer Robert Bosch. The international orientation already started early. In 1898 they founded the first branch office in England (London). One year later they opened a dependance in France (Paris). The first branch office followed in the USA in 1906. The international development has continued until today. In 2003 75% of the manufacturing sites are outside Germany. With daughter and associated companies Bosch is present in more than 50 countries worldwide. Bosch is one of the biggest industrial enterprises in Germany today and is a global player especially in the automobile industry. Bosch has convinced with its innovations since their foundation and has a high position in the market. In 1897 Bosch developed the first low voltage magneto ignition which firstly made the use of internal combustion engines possible. The innovation strength has remained until today; so Bosch was the first component supplier bringing innovations like ESP the anti-lock braking system anti-lock braking system, the navigation system under the names â€Å"Travelpilot† and the electronic stability system on the market. Bosch recognized the significance of its employees for the innovation and market success early, too. In 1906 Bosch introduced the â€Å"eight hour day† when celebrating the delivery of the 100,000 sten magnet igniter. With the delivery of the 500,000 sten igniter they introduced work free Saturday afternoons. 2.2 The Bosch, group todayToday enterprise Bosch consists of the motor vehicle technology, industry technology and use and goods technology. Their core competence and most important unit is still the vehicle technology. This can be proved by regarding the sales volume. The share of this division was 65.4% in the year 2003. The sales development and its foreign share is displayed in graphic 1. Bosch doubled the sales volume within only 10 years, from approx. 16 billion  to 36 billion euros. However, the foreign share of the sales volume increased proportionally faster. From 49% in 1993 it rose up to 71% in 2003. These data underline again the strong international orientation of the company. According to this Bosch has employees all over the world. In 2003 Bosch employed 230,000 people worldwide with a share of 54% outside of Germany. 2.3 The corporate cultureThe idea of the corporate culture is interpreted differently in the literature. Berthel defines corporate culture as follows: Corporate culture is â€Å"the sum of the moral concepts, carried a business together of the employees norms and behavior patterns this one has taken shape in the course of the time†. The philosophy of Robert Bosch stamps the corporate culture since the foundation. So he wrote in 1919: â€Å"It has always been an unbearable thought to me that someone could inspect one of my products and find it inferior . I have therefore always tried to ensure that only look for work goes out that is superior into all respects â€Å". In the year 2001 this culture was strengthened by the new model â€Å"Be Better Be Bosch† and the values were formulated in a written form for the first time. They initiated a modernization project called â€Å"Be QIK†. This model functions as action framework for the after stored aims and strategies:†¢Be QIK, Quality, innovation and Customer oriented†¢Be Better — improve against previous years and gain the competitive edge,†¢Be Bosch, committed to our vision, our tradition and of the spirit of a the company and the legacy of our founder Robert Bosch. The enterprise therefore tries to create a global behaviorial framework, which takes over the orientation function, identification function, coordination and integration function and helps to manage the challenges of the future. 3. Foreign dispatch process at Bosch3.1 Aims of the foreign dispatchBy the assignment of highly qualified employees Bosch aims at a compensation of a lack of know-how in the respective host country. Furthermore Bosch wants to rise the cross culturel skills of their executives in order to improve the  cooperation with foreign departments. Additionally it is possible for the ambitious employees to request for a dispatch in order to enhance their motivation. An important aim of foreign dispatches is finally the implementation of a worldwide corporate culture through which the communication and cooperation within the Bosch group is made easier. 3.2 Dispatch formsBosch distinguishes three dispatch forms. The business trip, the delegation as well as the transfer. The business trip with a duration of up to three months serves to establish contacts or also to conclude business on the spot. With the delegation Bosch distinguishes between the dispatch for the fulfillment of a project task or the dispatch in the context of trainee programs. The expatriate is abroad for a duration between three months and a year. If it is necessary to cover a lack of manpower a transfer is carried out. In this case the duration of the stay abroad is between one and five years. Bosch averagely dispatches their employees for three years. 3.3 Foreign dispatch processA carefully structured dispatch process is very important for Bosch to ensure the success of the foreign dispatch. To this, at first the occupation order is prepared which contains the necessary qualifications of the employee with regard to the vacant job. The choice of a suitable candidate, the dispatch conversation and the information journey to the possible country are the next steps of the process. After this journey the employee finally decides whether he accepts the position abroad. If he agrees, the employee is prepared comprehensively for the stay abroad. Then the moving to the foreign country takes place. After the job completion the employee is reintegrated. The individual phases of the foreign dispatch process are explained in the following more precisely. 3.3.1 Choice3.3.1.1 Theoretical bases and enterprise practiceThe best liability for a success of foreign dispatch can still be seen in the right choice of the employees to be sent. This should include technical criteria, behavior-related criteria, intercultural environment-related criteria as  well as personal criteria. When choosing a suitable dispatch candidate enterprises often orientate at technical performances. However, empirical examinations show, that competences or-related behavior and-related intercultural environment abilities for the cultural customization have a greater influence on the success of the foreign activity. Other surveys from the 1990s confirm that individual performance features are in the foreground at the choice. In addition, they show that the family is hardly co-included in the decision. An interview under Expatriates points, that the well-being plays the family an important role for the professional success. Choice at BoschBosch has recognized the importance of extra-technical criteria for the choice of a suitable dispatch candidate. Besides the career potential, which are investigated by the employee development instruments (see chapter 2.2), features like team and communication ability or representation of the Bosch culture are co-included in the decision. The latter has a great importance for the support of the implementation of a worldwide corporate culture, one of the aims of the foreign dispatch. 3.3.2 Preparation3.3.2.1 Theoretical bases and enterprise practiceInstitutes specialized in further education and intercultural management distinguish between a country specific and country general as well as intellectual and experience obtained preparation. The respective confrontation of these preparation methods shows the following classifications:†¢Intellectual country specific preparationPrimarily general information about the host country is mediated and language courses carried out here. Culture games are, such as the cultural assimilator training. †¢Experience-related country specific preparationThe political, economic and socio-cultural conditions of the host country shall be given to the expatriate a better understanding. With the help of case studies and role plays as well as information journeys the expatriates are prepared for country and culture specifics. †¢Intellectual preparationThe cultural self awareness model plays an important  role in this preparation class. It assumes that it is important to remind the participant of his own stereotyped and behaviors in order to develop a sensibility for the foreign maybe strange looking cultural aspects. †¢Experience-related country general preparationThis preparation method which shall enlarge the intercultural competence of the expatriates (on The job by Outdoor training, intercultural simulation games) consists of the cooperation on international teams as well as of an intercultural action training. â€Å"Source of the success of foreign dispatches is the degree to which an expat is able to establish contacts and manages to overcome culture barriers and to find the way in the strange culture†. The chief attention of the preparation in German and American companies lies in the technical education, the execution of a language training as well as the arrangement of general country information, though. An experience-related preparation seldom takes place. The external execution of the preparation measures is in general preferred opposite the internal one. The family moreover is only seldomly included in the preparations although family problems belong to the most frequent reasons for the failure of foreign dispatches. After a study of the auditing company PriceWaterhouseCoopers 40% of all Expatriates return home ahead of schedule. 96% of these on impulses of the family which often doesn’t cope with the surroundings. The final conclusion is that the size of the preparation is very small in the entrepreneurial practice. Preparation at BoschBosch practices comprehensive preparations for both its employees and their families to ensure the success of their foreign dispatch. At the beginning of the preparation Bosch offers a information journey which is designed for employees who go abroad for longer than 12 months. Before the definite decision, Bosch gives its employees the  opportunity to go to the host country with the companion of their partner. The stay lasts for two to three days, within Europe outside Europe’s approximately one week. By this â€Å"look and sea trip† the employee and his companions can get a better idea of the future place of residence. That shall prevent them from forming unrealistic expectations. If the employee decides to accept the job offered abroad, the real preparation starts. The central HR department is responsible for the execution of the preparation transfers (ZM2). It builds a preparation plan with measures which are coordinated with the needs of the respective employee. The aim of the preparation with Bosch is the arrangement of intercultural competence. This consists of country specific knowledge, linguistic proficiency as well as cultural sensibility of the three elements together. Country specific knowledgeThe arrangement of country specific knowledge contains information about the framework conditions of the host country. Formalities which are connected with a stay abroad are given to the Expatriates and their companions traveling along in a so-called â€Å"Bosch foreign preparation seminar†. So-called â€Å"mentors†, employees already returned home, convey information e.g. to the contract of employment or for tax regulations. By the use of mentors Bosch guarantees that experiences collected abroad are passed on and therefore used for new dispatches effectively. Linguistic proficiencyThe knowledge of the respective national language is prerequisite for a dispatch, because it is very important for an integration in private and in working life. Bosch employees have to learn the foreign language until they reach a level that enables them to come along in working life without any problems. If they want to learn more, they also have the possibility of attaining comprehensive knowledge. The family is tied to ensure that it can find the way in daily life. The language education takes place externally and Bosch takes on the costs both for the employee and for the family. The company attaches importance to the fact that the education starts early so that the required knowledge is reached before the dispatch. Cultural sensibilityThe cultural sensibility of the employees shall be promoted by two measures: the intercultural preparation training as well as the intercultural management training. The intercultural preparation training has the aim of sensitizing the employee to the think and behavior patterns of the host country to make the integration into the strange cultural environment easier for him. If the training is carried out internally, so-called country teams are responsible for it. These teams consist of employees who have made experiences in the respective host country or even are from this country themselves. This five-day intercultural preparation training is offered both for the employee and for the family since this is confronted with the same integration or understanding difficulties concerning the strange culture. This has particularly to be taken into account when thinking of the growing importance of multicultural cooperations, e.g. in the context of joint ventures or international project work. 3.3.3 MovingAt Bosch receives the Expatriate supports for the carrying out of the necessary formalities by the so-called Bosch foreign preparation seminar. When the employee finally starts his stay abroad he usually feels like on holiday. Everything is new to him and he is fascinated by his new task at the company and the new country itself. But this positive feeling often changes after a few months when the first serious problems occur. He feels helpless because he can not manage the situation in the new surrounding. This is called cultural shock. To keep the cultural shock as low as possible, Bosch looks after his employees during their stay and helps them when problems appear. The cultural shock can never completely prevented especially if the difference between the cultures is very large. Nevertheless Bosch tries to prepare their employees by showing general culture differences so that they can deal with problems easyierly. Furthermore Bosch offers his expatriate an intensive coaching. The employee has a mentor in the native country who is two hierarchical orders higher than himself. They meet at least once a year to talk about problems abroad or about further plans of the employee after his return to germany. In addition, a strengths-/ weaknesses analysis is carried out to be able to comprehend the development of the employee and not lose the summary of the knowledge and abilities. An examination of Schroll-Machl shows that the support of the Expatriates is often insufficient in the practice. Many Expatriates have the impression that their enterprise leaves them alone and it doesn’t support at problems. They must manage various difficulties at the same time. Family problems moreover aren’t taken into account in the context of the support in the practice. However, wife and children are especially confronted with greater customization difficulties than the staff member because they have more frequent contacts to the strange culture. 3.3.4. Reintegration3.3.4.1 Theoretical bases and enterprise practiceAfter the expiry of the delegation period the Expatriate returns back to the parent company. A successful reintegration of the employee is both of high entrepreneurial and financial importance. A negative signal starts out from a failed reintegration for other parent company members. The readiness to accept an offer for a foreign activity sinks. Furthermore the financial dimension of the complete dispatch process including the return has to be taken into account. American studies value the total costs of the foreign assignment of an employee at up to 1 millions $. In connection with this, it is surprising that only few enterprises care for the repatriation of their employees professionally. A KPMG examination from the year 2000 showed that 67% of all interviewed people who were delegated abroad said that there is need for improvement at the reintegration process of their enterprise. This criticism has to be taken  seriously since problems with the reintegration have serious consequences for the Expatriate and the enterprise like e.g. a low work motivation or even the cancellation and the change to another enterprise. According to an examination of Black (1992) the share of the returnees who cancel their job within one year after their return due to integration problems is about 25%. The causes of these reintegration diffic ulties are multilayered. You can subdivide them into operational and private difficulties. Operational levelThe search for a suitable position often turns out to be difficult since the HR departments can assess hardly the qualification development of the returnee during his stay abroad. In addition returnees often have exaggerated expectations and therefore are disappointed of the offered job in their home company. They often have the impression that their new skills especially about the country they spent a lot of time in are not appreciated. A study of Wirth from the year 1992 has shown that merely 30% of all enterprises evaluate the experiences of its employees after a stay abroad. Another aspect of the reintegration is the cessation of foreign raises and other privileges. Private LevelProblems frequently appear also in the private area of the Expatriates. During their stay abroad the often only keep the positive aspects of their life in Germany in mind, the negative everyday problems appear only after the return and the first euphoria. The culture of one’s own seems alienated and it comes to the double cultural shock. Particularly the children have to suffer from the new surroundings and from the change since they have accepted the strange culture more strongly, had to leave friends and don’t cope with the German school system any more. For the expatriates and their partners it is difficult to abstain from grown fond privileges like e.g. chauffeur, domestics for themselves or a swimming pool. Reintegration with BoschAs a company with strong international orientation Bosch has recognized the meaning of a successful reintegration of returnees and supports the reintegration of its employees with numerous measures at an operational and private level to put a positive and encouraging signal for future dispatches. Measures of the operational reintegrationBosch offers a very comprehensive and strategic personnel policy which takes into account the personal ambitions of the dispatched employees and the future need for highly qualified managers. This prevents Bosch from the problem frequently appearing that no adequate place can be offered to the returnee. Due to its size Bosch is moreover able to offer alternatives in the case of an abrupted dispatch process, like e.g. early return or dissatisfaction with the return position. As already explained different studies have shown that exaggerated experiences on the part of the returnees is the main reason for dissatisfaction with the position after the reintegration. To counteract this, Bosch regularly looks after the expatriate by a hierarchy higher mentor of the parent company. By this he keeps informed about all important developments in the company and furthermore he has contact person for career questions. Due to this permanent communication Bosch is able to get an exact idea about the situation and processes in the foreign business. Another important aspect which fundamentally contributes to the satisfaction of the returning employee is the appreciation and the use of the abroad acquired knowledge. Bosch evaluates the foreign experiences of its expatriates very comprehensively and endeavours suggestions for improvement. Furthermore the HR department tries to find a position in which the returnee can use his new won abilities optimally. This could be e.g. a position in the sales department of the region in which the expatriate was active. Furthermore the returnees have the opportunity to study further in order to work as an expert for the country they stayed in and prepare other employees for future dispatches. The â€Å"BeQIK† corporate culture, introduced in 2001, plays an important role for a successful reintegration. Since all subsidiary firm shall work according to the given behavioral framework, the cultural distance turns out a little bit smaller between host country and native country. Since the practical putting into action of the behavior guidelines is always subject to cultural influences, the degree of the relief should be assessed rather carefully. Measures of the private reintegrationTo make the reintegration  easier for the returning expatriate and his family, Bosch offers comprehensive help. They support their employees when they search for an apartment and takes on arising extra tuition costs for the children to make the integration into the German school system easier. Furthermore other Bosch employees who returned from stays abroad in the past can give advice in so called â€Å"returnee seminars† where other persons affected talk about its experiences. 4. Asia, challenge and chance†Rapidly arising markets in the Far East and Bosch takes part †¦ â€Å"This statement of Bosch Bohr, the chairman of the area of motor vehicle technology, shows the meaning of company leaders, which will be attached to Asian and especially to the Chinese market. After a turnover growth obtained already 2003 in China of over 20%, Bosch wants to improve his presence further in the empire of the middle. In the following sections will be analysed, which changes or requirements to the Bosch foreign dispatch will bring the future in the Asian market. 4.2 requirements on German executives in China4.2.1 The intercultural difficultiesThe clashing of different cultures, values and particularly the different styles of management and philosophies leads very frequently to difficulties in the subsidiary firms. To notice which one is the most frequent and greatest problem that the Chinese executives have in the cooperation with German executives and vice versa, the results of a study from the year 1999 shall be illustrated, which Chinese and German manager were working in German enterprises in China. Among the problems, which the Chinese managers have with the colleges from abroad, the most important are the communication problems, like is described in the chart above. The culture, communication, mutual understanding and language are connected closely with each other belong to this category: due to the different culture and the language barrier no satisfactory communication takes place  and therefore it doesn’t come to a mutual understanding. In this connection the bad English knowledge of German managers and their lack of understanding of the Chinese culture will be especially found fault by Chinese colleges. 10% of the mentioning are allotted to problems of the human relations. It disturbs the Chinese executives most, that they are treated differently in comparison with the Expatriates and they don’t have much confidence in Chinese colleges. This is the reason in their opinion that it doesn’t come to friendships between foreign and Chinese executives who are very welcome on a Chinese. The arrogance and haughtiness of the foreigners are also criticized and the lack of interest in the Chinese population. The professional requirements are high: inside the Chinese employees are hungrily to learn the new specialized knowledge of the foreign executive and they notice very fast, weather the German executives aren’t not ready or capable in the expected scale, to give this knowledge further. In connection with this, it is criticized that German executives prefer to work alone, they aren’t cooperative. In the Chinese working world one comes upon, however, the Explanation the Help and Assistance to each other. By the cessation of the in the past (before the open-door policy of China) usual lifelong job in the same enterprise and the fact that one can be discontinued because of a bad performance a considerable pressure is triggered to do well the work and this can have discouraging influence on the employees. There is the high burden of work which lets few leisure time as well as time for the own family. General Manager have variously and very far scattered breadth of the answers without the number of the mentioning being different from each other fundamentally on the part of the foreign ones. Any problem is emerging as  dominate. Problems are most frequently mentioned are in the areas of communication, labour organization, qualification and management. The general managers from abroad find some problems with their Chinese executives not only in the area of the communication. For example they don’t seem to be able to solve their problems with a better communication. However the understanding stands for the Chinese executives, at first place and the lack of communication is also becoming responsibly for many difficulties in the company. 4.2.2 Cultural distinction and integrationThe culture isn’t reflected only in politics and in the everyday life, (i.e. in the social and consume behaviour) but it also influences the business methods, the management behaviour and the relations of employees and employers. In the following section are discussed certain general Asian culture features and their implications for the staff management . Group identity versus individual identityTian xia Wei gong: â€Å"Everything serves the community under the sky†. So there is a Chinese proverb from the old days which has validity today certainly too. The individual never was in the foreground but always, the community within the particular represents a tiny member. This specific and deeply rooted feature has important implications for the staff management: So the individual recognition (punishment) should be carried out in private, the team’s recognition should be carried out barefaced. Conflict avoidanceMost cultures of Asia avoid systematically the open conflict holding. The avoidance of open conflicts is in a close connection with the Confucianism. Straight criticism and open contradiction are accompanied by the danger to lose face and fall to the social trifle. Keeping faceMost Asian societies are settled by the principle of the disgrace (the public humiliation) not by the principle of guiltiness (feeling of individual responsibility, conscience). The concept of the saving face is comprehensively valid, characterizes every human relation and is very important for the staff management since it forbids the public humiliation of employees. Respect opposite to higher-ranking and oldRespect, restraint and modesty are part of the etiquette in the Asian culture room generally. Hierarchies have a more important role (often according to old, rank and sex) than in Germany. The formal authority isn’t called into question; this is part of the harmony commandment. However, one shouldn’t put the Asian respect before the authority absolutely. A bad supervisor is also criticized in Asia and will be corrected though indirect: by pressure on third party, anonymous letters, passive behaviour and resistance, which are disguised with excuses or by frequent illness or really irrational behaviours, like panic bouts. The re-registration is frequently encoded. So the western manager must learn how indirect signals of the discontent should be decoded or interpreted. The respect of the age is one of the basic concepts of a Confucian intellect. The Age doesn’t make only wise but gives a natural authority. Seniority and hierarchy thinking still established tightly in the heads of the Chinese managers. Foreign companies are smitten with the distinguishing between respect of certain hierarchies and the necessity of the support managers who render the corresponding service but don’t have the right age yet. In order to be accepted a younger manager must be more competent than an old one. GuanxiGuanxi has to be translated by the following expression â€Å"personal relations and connections†. It plays a large role in China in all areas of the life; it works as â€Å"sesame-open you† when required because clear and codified jurisdiction doesn’t have any tradition, relations are solution key  for all problems. Western Managers should pay more attention to â€Å"Guanxi† if they want to succeed in china. 4.2.3 Recruitment and motivation of local workersThe recruitment of highly qualified staff and the tie of won workers with the enterprise are a big problem area with which many foreign businesses are confronted in China. These phenomena shall be represented here only briefly since a detailed description would blow up the frame of this work. Recruitment of local workersThe absence of qualified personal is responsibly for the high fluctuation. More and more enterprises try to find Chinese university graduates who are trained in Germany for the business in china. Motivation of local workersIf one has found local executives, one must be able to keep it because the high fluctuation is connected to high costs. Different instruments can contribute to soothe or to overcome the staff bottleneck. These are e.g. the image-building (charitable events), the training (further education possibilities have a high place value) as well as a solid and long-term career promotion strategy. For young highly qualified stuff, a good salary and promotion chances are decisive for staying in the enterprise. 4.3 Optimization/customization of the dispatch process for/to ChinaIf one carries now out an optimization of the foreign dispatch process with Bosch to the employee-employer relationships in China against the background of the executed Asian culture features and criticisms of the Chinese Manager of their German colleagues and colleagues, then the following implications are the result:As a rule, an intercultural preparation takes place. No reason is seen for preparations for the Chinese executives in most enterprises. It will hold the assumption that the Chinese executives must adapt to the western behaviour patterns and methods of working. A common intercultural training is, however, absolutely essential in China for the following reasons:The great difficulties which arise from the lack of mutual understanding, are in a close connection with the knowledge about the respecting other culture, the action sample and moral concepts, but also its enterprise philosophies and styles of management. An intercultural seminar can make considerably, behind certain behaviour which explanations and which roots suit to an executive. It doesn’t prevent the appearance of problems but it offers to possibilities of reacting specifically and developing common action strategies. Furthermore a Chinese executive can for example be made familiar with the German culture as follows: by consignments to the German parent company, international stays, participation in international management courses of Chinese universities or in business Schools. Also for partner and children problems arise in the context of a longer stay abroad. Acceptable solutions must therefore be found also for the family. It is often impossible just in the pacific space to solve the language problems satisfactorily what a far-reaching isolation of the marriage partner and the children can cause with negative family consequences. Therefore the language standard should correspond to that one of the Expatriate which enjoys an education on the standard of the easy communication in the work everyday life. Despite good preparations for marriage partner and if necessary children problems often arise of the cultural integration and problems at school. For the better integration contacts to partners of other Expatriates should be organized. The possibility of working abroad is very important for the partner who accompanies the Expatriate abroad. An intensive cooperation with other enterprises on the spot would be necessary to realize the professional way of expatriate’s wife in China. If no place can be found, the possibility  should be offered for a further training for the meaningful use of the â€Å"timeout† such as a master course of studies. 4.4 Bosch measures for ChinaAll preparatory training is evacuated to the IFIM, the institute for intercultural management in Bad Honnef, since Bosch internal country speakers are specialized in European countries till now. The information journey which shall convey an impression to the Expatriate over its potential future place of work can be extended by max. two days. Another prolongation isn’t granted since the employees/inside activities are used at home and every longer stay also more costs for Bosch meant for hers. The language education is carried out in a 5-week language course at the national language institute NRW in Bochum for which the future Expatriate is put by its work activity completely freely. In the 2 annual cycle the personnel officer the ZM2 accompanies a potential Expatriate on an information journey and this one checks life and employee-employer relationships on the spot. Although Bosch mediates e.g. alone for the partner, however give up many arrangements, not at the job search because of the language requirements. As a rule, Bosch can arrange a job for 5% of the partners. To subsume it, this yields no big changes in the dispatch process especially for China. Professional external help is used regarding the training, one otherwise orientates himself at the worldwide valid dispatch process. 5. ConclusionThe Bosch group is a worldwide active enterprise that on the international markets, special it would like to be present on the Asian market in future. This strategy makes high demands on the staff since intercultural understanding is increasingly important besides technical qualities. International employee use represents a central instrument of the staff development. According to the high importance the dispatch process is organized very professionally by Bosch in all four phases (choice,  preparation, moving, and repatriation). This enormous effort beats itself in very low withdrawal rate, these are only 1-2 % in Bosch and lie under the reference values of other enterprises thus considerably. A possible disadvantage of the time intensive preparatory phase which lasts for at least 10 weeks is the lack of flexibility. Short-term manpower requirements due to problems, like e.g. demolition of a stay abroad or illness of a manager cannot be covered with the usual staff practice in Bosch. The preparation measures of Bosch seem very well suitable also for the dispatch to China, a stronger focus on the language education of the family and the social should be put as well as professional integration of the partner. In order to make an improved cooperation possible of the Expatriates on the spot, a common intercultural training is advisable with the Chinese colleagues. Bibliography Bosch (2004A:) The â€Å"Objectives and Principles† of Employee Development, order enterprise booklet at at all Bosch’s personnel departments as well as Central division employee development and executives (ZM3). Bosch (2004 B): Bosch Australia † — regional corner clays of The Bosch Group â€Å"orders: www.bosch.com.au/downloads/Home/RBAU.pdf (12.04.2004). Bosch (2003A): â€Å"Business report† 2003, order:www.bosch.com/de/download/GB2003_DE.pdf (11.04.2004). Bosch (2003B): â€Å"Bosch today†, order on:www.bosch.com/de/download/Boschheute2003_DE.pdf (10.04.2004). Bosch (2003/2004 ): Worldwide responsibility † — environmental report 2003/2004 â€Å",order: www.bosch.com/de/download/UWB_de.pdf (01.05.2004.)Kuan, Y.-C./Hà ¤ring-Kuan, P. (2001): Journey guest in China, 1st edition, Dormagen. Nickut, J. (2003:) â€Å"Subject and leadership potential recognize and systematicpromotes † to order under : www.mwteam.de/products/Perspek/archives/01-2003/interview HrNickut-RobertBosch.pdf (01.05.2004). Nickut, J./Loose, H., (2000): â€Å"A step to the global player — international choice- AC of Robert Bosch GmbH â€Å". In: Staff, exercise book 7/2000, S.360, 363. Redding, dear/Ng, M. (1982): The Role of ‘Face’ in The Organizational Perceptions of Chinese manager, in: Organization study, 3rd year, no. 3, S.201-219. Welge, K.-M./Holtbrà ¼gge, D. (2003): International management, 3rd edition, Stuttgart. List of the Internet sources:http://www.boschrexroth.com/corporate/de/jobs_und_karriere/personalpolitik/index.jsp (14.05.2004). http://www.bosch-career.de/de/company/aims.htm (14.05.2004). http://www.relojournal.com/nov2000/kpmgsurvey.htm (13.05.2004)http://www.workforce.com/section/09/23/26/42/index.html (13.05.2004)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Literary Devices in “The Woman at the Store” Essay

There are many different literary devices used in Katherine Mansfields The Woman at the Store, they are used effectively. Regularly Mansfield uses personification, characterization and irony. This short essay will show what the main literary devices are in this story. Irony has a significant literary device in this story; the storys plot is enormously ironic. The reader expects that the womans husband will be coming back soon, but he is dead already, which is ironic. The reader does not expect that the child knows that her mother killed her father. And that this is shown in something as pure as a drawingAnother key literary device in this story is her characterization. She characterizes the characters in this story so realistically that the reader has the idea that he has known the characters for all long time already, and he can visualize them perfectly. For example, when Mansfield writes about Jo: Not once that day he had sung I dont care, for dont you see, my wifes mother was in front of me! It was the first that we had been without it for a month, and now there seemed something uncanny in his silence. With this sentence the reader knows that Jo normally is a happy man, that he likes to sing, that he does not like mother-in-laws and that he now knows that something special is going to happen. Another important literary device is the use of personification. One good example is: the sun pushed through the pale clouds and shed a vivid light over the scene. This describes how the sun found a hole to shine through.  There are many different literary devices used in The Woman at the Store but irony, characterization and personification are some key devices and Katherine Mansfield uses them well but that is what she is famous for.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Implementation on teaching and learning approach

Nizwa College of Technology ( NCT ) follows a strategic program to accomplish its Vision and Mission as stated in NCT College Strategic Plan ( CSP ) . One of the ends of NCT is to offer high quality of instruction, larning and developing chances to all its pupils in line with the demands of the market [ Goal 2, NCT CSP ] . To guarantee that all the sub-goals [ Sub-Goal 2.a, 2.b, 2.c, 2.d ] pertaining to instruction and acquisition are achieved, the College through the Assistant Dean of Academics ( AD Academics ) encourages all academic staff to implement the ADRI [ QAM, p73 ] analysis in their instruction and larning map. The ADRI theoretical account for learning and acquisition is developed by AD Academics and is traveling to be presented in 13 June 2010 in the International Conference on Higher Education and Quality Assurance in Mazoon College, Muscat.DeploymentIn line with its aims, the first NCT Quality Assurance workshop for the College staff was conducted on 16th October 2008 w here one of the subjects discussed is ADRI theoretical account. In his presentation, AD Academics explained to the participants how to efficaciously utilize the ADRI theoretical account in the assorted procedures they are making in the behavior of their work. He specifically provided an ADRI theoretical account related to class bringing and other related activities. The AD Academics requested the academic staff to get down utilizing ADRI in their instruction and larning map. The execution of the ADRI analysis in NCT started in Semester 1, 2008-2009. To promote more staff to get down utilizing ADRI, the AD Academics launched the â€Å" Best ADRI † competition among the staff for A.Y. 2008-2009. A staff from IT has won the competition by coming up with the most elaborate ADRI for his class in IT Project. A 2nd ADRI presentation was conducted on 26th of May 2009 attended by about 110 NCT lectors. Harmonizing to NCT QAFU Portal, â€Å" the AD Academics emphasized in his presentation the importance of utilizing the theoretical account in placing programs for learning every academic twelvemonth, purely following the said program, analysing the consequences afterwards, and so supplying suggestions for betterment to be carried out in the succeeding academic twelvemonth. He expound on the usage of the ADRI theoretical account in learning by giving illustrations and activities a lector can supply in each phase of the ADRI theoretical account, from attack to betterment. He said that it is really of import for the college to hold a unvarying execution of the ADRI theoretical account, peculiarly in learning and acquisition, so that an institutional criterion can be followed in respects the quality confidence work in this country. † At the beginning, it was observed that merely 10 % of the academic staff is implementing ADRI analysis in instruction and acquisition and most of the staff have doubts on how to implement it decently. Likewise, many new staff has arrived in the College that needed orientation on ADRI so a 3rd presentation was given by the AD Academics on 8th February 2010 to familiarise new staff with how ADRI analysis could be implemented in their maps. Similarly, a new competition for â€Å" Best ADRI † for the current academic twelvemonth was initiated and the engagement is about 40 % . A study on ADRI Implementation in Teaching and Learning as shown in Appendix A was conducted in NCT to verify the consciousness of all academic staff. The study besides tries to get information from staff sing the importance of ADRI in their academic work and acquire feedback on the possibility of ADRI execution in other countries of work. Furthermore, the study tries to obtain feedback on jobs in ADRI execution and possible ways of bettering the usage of ADRI in NCT. The study was conducted in all academic sections of NCT including the Business ( Bus ) Department, English Language Center ( ELC ) , Engineering ( Engg ) Department and Information Technology ( IT ) Department. There are 47 % respondents or 73 out of 155 academic staff interrupt down into 18 respondents from Business, 10 from Engineering, 27 from ELC and 22 from IT section. The questionnaire has a sum of 22 inquiries which take the respondents feedback and perceptual experience on ADRI Awareness ( Aw ) , Acquisition ( Ac ) , Usefulness ( Us ) and Effectiveness ( Ef ) . Open-ended inquiries were besides included in the study to take the respondents sentiment and suggestions sing ADRI execution in instruction and acquisition.ConsequencesTable 1Percept of Staff on ADRI Implementation Harmonizing to Awareness, Acquisition, Usefulness and Effectiveness ( measured on a 5-point graduated table )The consequence on Table 1 shows that the respondents agree that there is an â€Å" mean † consciousness on ADRI in footings of the information posted on the NCT web site, as a clear tool for appraisal and in footings of relaxation in implementing ADRI independently. The respondents besides perceived â€Å" mean † acquisition in footings of similitude to utilize ADRI in their everyday work. Respondents besides perceived ADRI as â€Å" mean † in foot ings of utility in heightening the pupil ‘s acquisition, as a tool for professional growing and for informing the staff how good they teach. In footings of effectivity, the respondents perceived that ADRI as â€Å" mean † in supplying better planning to academic work, increasing pupil interaction and engagement, and in bettering pupil ‘s consciousness.Table 2Percentage of YES Responses to ADRI Awareness QuestionsSurvey ItemsBusinessELCEngineeringInformation technologyPercentageAw1a94 89 100 100 96Aw1b50 74 20 27 43Aw272 78 80 95 81Aw383 70 80 55 72Aw483 89 80 82 84 Based on table 2, it is clear that 96 % of the respondents are cognizant of ADRI and 43 % of the respondents have non used any self-assessment tool other than ADRI in their calling. 81 % of the respondents have used ADRI in their work but 72 % among them think that they still need aid in implementing it. Another 84 % agree that ADRI could be implemented in work other than learning.Table 3Percentage of YES Responses to ADRI Acquisition QuestionsSurvey ItemsBusinessELCEngineeringInformation technologyPercentageAc172 63 90 73 75Ac278 56 50 50 59Ac356 59 60 59 59 Harmonizing to Table 3, 75 % of the respondents agree that utilizing ADRI has increased their accomplishments and 59 % prefer utilizing ADRI to other self-assessment tools and would besides wish to implement ADRI every semester for learning and acquisition.Table 4Percentage of YES Responses to Usability QuestionsSurvey ItemsBusinessELCEngineeringInformation technologyPercentageUs156 59 50 64 57Us244 15 60 32 38Us367 56 90 73 72Us450 48 90 45 58 Table 4 shows that 57 % of the respondents think that ADRI helps in the immediate accommodation of learning pattern and 58 % agree that ADRI could be used to give justification of pupil results. Merely 38 % of the respondents agree that ADRI can be used to turn to all issues of instruction and larning although 72 % of them believe that it could be used to mensurate the booby traps and deficits in instruction and acquisition. Using the same study, feedback and suggestions were taken from the academic staff. Based on the feedbacks gathered, it is singular that utilizing ADRI made the academic staff aware of the importance of planning and good deployment attack in accomplishing the best consequences and covering more learning results. Harmonizing to the study, ADRI is the best tool for self-reflection and in happening out the countries that needs betterment and alteration. Furthermore, respondents agree that ADRI made the class bringing be aftering more effectual and helped a batch in bettering class stuffs, learning AIDSs and other teaching resources and methodological analysiss. They all agree that betterments from self-assessment utilizing ADRI has a great impact on the pupils ‘ category engagement and involvement in the category. Some of the notable and interesting positive responses from the study are as follows: â€Å" It made me more observant of what is go oning in the category and more sensitive to pupil ‘s demands † â€Å" We can measure ourselves in a better manner † â€Å" Better self-contemplation into manners of instruction, improved consciousness of the demand to better and modify certain countries † â€Å" No other better nutrient can replace ADRI in all our plants † â€Å" ADRI is passing the whole instruction procedure † â€Å" Any professional instructor unconsciously uses ADRI without believing about it † â€Å" ADRI is non a new tool, it is an in-built nature of the human existences † Most of the respondents feel that ADRI could be implemented efficaciously if the semester continuance is longer and some of them feel that ADRI becomes uneffective if academic staff is given different classs every semester because there will be no continuity and the betterments made based on the consequences can non be implemented. Some of the important negative responses from the study are as follows: â€Å" It requires more clip and paper work † â€Å" Since we are non certain about learning the same class once more, ‘Improvement ‘ portion of ADRI is less practical † â€Å" Analytic survey utilizing ADRI become less relevant for uninterrupted quality betterment which must be carried out the undermentioned semester or rhythm of learning and larning † â€Å" Deficit of clip † â€Å" It is acquiring progressively hard to make anything because of increased bureaucratism, lesson program composing, memos, meeting, test readying, pupil monitoring, etc. †ImprovementAlthough 81 % of the respondents have used ADRI in their work and hold on the effectivity of utilizing ADRI in learning and acquisition, there is still 72 % that suggests for more information and workshops for better apprehension and execution. Some of the respondents suggested that best ADRI illustrations might be selected and discussed during the workshops so that more staff and pupils could profit from the procedure. Some of the respondents besides suggested that academic staff be required to fix ADRI merely in one ( 1 ) class per semester and ADRI could be implemented in all classs when all the staff is already familiar in utilizing it. Based on the consequences gathered from the study, NCT through the AD of Academic Affairs is be aftering for more workshops sing ADRI execution on instruction and acquisition. The workshops will be by section so that more issues can be addressed. The best ADRI from the 2 competitions will be disseminated to all the staff so that that they will hold more information on how to fix ADRI and same ADRI samples will be discussed during departmental workshops. During the workshops, staff from each section could be grouped together and inquire to fix an ADRI based on a given instance scenario.